Dental Mission to Mbabne, Swaziland

Enclosed is my thank you disk from our 2008 dental mission to Mbabne, Swaziland. It is set up as a Power Point presentation with all the necessary files to run on a PC. It was a great trip and we accomplished a lot while we were there. Our mission, in addition to helping over 250 children that have never seen a real dentist (some only saw someone to pull infected teeth), also helped project a better view of the United States and Americans.

Of course, the mission could not have been as successful without your help! We were interviewed many times while there and the questions asked by the reporters concerned the quality of the materials used and sterilization procedures. I explained that most of the materials had been donated by American companies specifically for this mission and they were either the same or better than what we use in our own private offices and that sterilization of all instruments was up to or exceeded OSHA standards.

The high quality of all the materials and instruments used in this clinic mission made it much easier to carry out treatment for over 250 children (cleanings, fillings, sealants and extractions).

Thanks again for all your help and support. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions.

Mark R Harrison, DDS

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