University of Maryland, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery

We are delighted that we have reached another stage of thanking you for your generous support for the new facility for the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland. At this important juncture, we want to ensure that your donor Plaque meets your expectations.

We will gratefully acknowledge your company’s generous donation to the school by listing your name on a General Practice Operatory. The way your company name will appear is:

Gift of Centrix Incorporated

This is one of the most historic projects ever in the state of Maryland, and indeed, in the entire world for dental education. We are pleased to include your company in our history.

I hope that you are able to join us for the exclusive black tie donor reception on the evening of October 24. As I overheard one of our students remark, “…you have just got to see this place!”


Mary F. Campion, M.A.
Associate Vice President
Development and Alumni Relations

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