We are excited to introduce two new members to the Centrix team! Diana Champagne joined the team as new HR Director in May and Stefania Eaton is took on the role of Purchasing Agent in June.
Diana has previously worked for Ontario Systems, Lydall, Inc., MannKind Corporation and Priceline among others where she was responsible for HR operations and technology, employee benefits and compensation administration, and program performance assessment.
Diana has a Bachelor of General Studies from the University of Connecticut, Stamford. She is married with two teenagers and three pets, and she enjoys spending time on Cape Cod. Please join us in welcoming Diana to the team.
Stefania lives in Connecticut with her daughter who is a college student and her beloved dogs, Lady, Churro and Mia. When she’s not spending time with them, you can find her reading, camping, even taking flamenco and salsa dance lessons.
Stefania holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with a Minor in Psychology from Lehman College, an independent college within the City University of New York system.