Now there is a faster, easier solution for moistening and soothing minor soft tissue irritation before, during and after dental procedures!
E-Lieve Vitamin E, in unit-dose tubes is the latest innovation from Centrix! We’ve all learned about the benefits of using Vitamin E to help soothe irritated tissue, but who wants to mess with cutting capsules open, when you can simply “Twist, Squeeze, Apply” directly onto the irritation?
E-Lieve is a topical Vitamin E treatment that provides instant relief to soft tissue irritation and can be used to treat damaged gingival tissue during and after dental procedures. Because E-Lieve is also a moisturizer, it absorbs into the tissue, reducing inflammation. E-Lieve also acts as an antioxidant by protecting cell membranes from oxidation, which can damage healthy gum tissue. Each E-Lieve tube contains one single dose (0.5 mL) of Vitamin E. E-Lieve also eliminates cross contamination and waste, provides easy cleanup and easy inventory control!
Here are some great resources to find out more about the benefits of Vitamin E:
Applied topically, Vitamin E may soothe gum inflammation and cut down on bleeding.
~ Whole Health Chicago website
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can help heal tissue and stop bleeding of the gums.
~ Vitamin E & Periodontal Disease article on
Vitamin E, just like Vitamin C, helps prevent gum disease by doing two things: reducing inflammation and serving as an antioxidant.
~ 5 Vitamins That Are Great For Dental Health
To learn more, visit this link or call 800.235.5862.