Centrix Blog - Making Dentistry Easier!

Toddlers Need Fluoride Treatments Too!

Geschrieben von Centrix | 21.07.2022 13:46:21

Teething can begin as early as 3 months and by the time the child is about 3 years old, they should have all 20 baby teeth. The importance of baby teeth can sometimes be underappreciated by parents who assume they shouldn’t be too concerned since baby teeth ultimately will fall out. Dental professionals know this assumption can lead to inadequate dental care which, in turn, can cause various issues including decay, tooth loss, pain, difficulty chewing or speaking and even low self-esteem. No child should have to suffer due to preventable dental problems. We strongly encourage all dental professionals to participate in our Prevention for Life® program which is designed to help get patients through each stage of life with a beautiful, healthy simile, and maintain oral health that will last throughout their lifetime!

An important part of the Prevention for Life program are regular fluoride varnish treatments. And, as you know, applying varnish on an impatient toddler trying to wiggle out of the dental chair can be tricky and stressful.

Donna Brogan, RDH, BS, has a few tips for how to make the process easier for you and your young patients. We suggest starting with a yummy and smooth varnish, such as our own FluoroDose (naturally).

  1. Fluoride varnish application is easiest sitting face to face.
  2. Have the patient swallow well, open and look slightly down.
  3. Using a unit-dose delivery system, the clinician loads the applicator brush and swipes varnish along the lingual of the mandibular arch.
  4. Have the patient look straight ahead with teeth together; retracting the left cheek with a mouth mirror, load applicator brush as needed and swipe the facial of both arches.
  5. Retract the right cheek and repeat.
  6. Instruct the patient to open and look up, reload the applicator and swipe the lingual of the maxillary arch.

Our award-winning fluoride varnish FluoroDose takes only 30 seconds to apply – 4 swipes and you’re done! What’s more, it comes in 5 great-tasting flavors: Caramel, Bubble Gum, Mint, Cherry and Melon. This makes FluoroDose perfect for toddler patients! Try it today!

To learn more about Prevention for Life®, our program to combat caries at any age (even in toddlers!) with the appropriate risk assessment tools to help you gain patient (and parent) acceptance, visit our dedicated prevention-focused website

For more information on these or any of the Centrix line of products, visit www.centrixdental.com or call 800.235-5862 to speak to a product specialist.
Photo credit: Baby photo created by user3802032 - www.freepik.com