Infographic: 5 Reasons You Need NoCord ™ VPS Impressioning System in Your Office!

5 Reasons You Need NoCord ™ VPS Impressioning System in Your Office!

One thing we’ve heard over and over from dentists is how much they dislike using retraction cord. It’s time-consuming for the doctor and often uncomfortable for the patient. Additionally, it’s not an effective tool for delivering an accurate impression.

That’s why we invented Centrix No Cord VPS Impressioning System. It literally eliminates the need for retraction cord and replaces it with an efficient, all-in-one system for taking impressions. NoCord VPS is made from vinyl polysiloxane to be highly accurate and dimensionally stable.1 It retracts gingiva, controls bleeding and delivers an accurate, final impression with ease!

Need 5 reasons to buy and try Centrix NoCord VPS? Look no further than this feature in Inside Dentistry. Or visit for more information.

1. Data on file from clinical evaluations and independent test results.

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